
To open the calendar click the calendar button on the main window's toolbar. This opens the Calendar View window, which displays the current month in a grid view. You can switch to Week and Year view using the Calendar View's toolbar.

To create a new appointment, double click on the cell you want the appointment to start in, and then a new window to edit the details of the appointment will appear.

You can move an appointment to another cell using drag and drop. The start date/time is changed to be in the new cell and the end point is moved to be the same relative amount time after the start.

You can also attach an appointment to an email by dragging it onto a mail window. The appointment is saved as a vCal file and attached to the email. vCal files can be used by most other Calendaring software. Likewise, dragging a vCal file from an email to the calendar view or a calendar folder in the main window will import that appointment into your calendar. Note: Currently no facility exists to merge this with an existing copy of the same appointment.

The start/end date fields are formatted according to the Appearence options. If "auto" is selected and your running on Windows then the regional settings date format is used. Otherwise if your not running Windows then "auto" means "d/m/yyyy h:m:s", because that is the default where I live ;)

If you enter the start or end date directly, then you must adhere to the format otherwise things will not work. However there are drop down boxes to edit the date and time parts separately to the right of the start and end fields. The first drop down allows you to select the date, and the 2nd drop down changes the time part.

To give yourself warning of an upcomming event, you can set an alarm in the appointment window. Turn on the "Reminder" checkbox. Next to the reminder is a list of time periods, if you select one of these then the alarm will activate that much time before the start of the appointment.

Alarms will only activate if Scribe is running. However if Scribe is started after an Alarm was due then it will appear immediately.

There is a facility via the Groupware Server to share your contacts within a workgroup, usually on a LAN.

To do this you will need an account setup to connect to the calendaring server. This means that you will most likely need InScribe, as i.Scribe only has one account and you'd need that for sending and receiving email. So create an account in the options and set the receive type to "calendar", and put the server and user/pass fields in. Then this will add some extra folders below your primary mail folders that show the various calendars configured on the server.

Once you have a remote calendar folders showing up, where each folder is named after the owner of the calendar, you have to configure which of these calendars appears with your own appointments in the calendar view. To do this open the calendar view, and click "configure" on the toolbar. Listed here is all the folders that the calendar view uses as "source" material to display in the cells. To add a calendar click the "+" button and navigate to the remote folders at the bottom of the folder tree, and select the one your interested in. Once you've added it to the list, you can select a colour to differentiate it in the display. The "Create In" column (where only one row can be selected) is which folder new appointments will be created in when you double click a cell in the calendar view. The "Display" column allows you to hide a calendar without removing it.

The permissions for configuring who can read and write various calendars are configured on the server, you should ask your server admin staff about changing permissions on your calendar if required.

© 1996-2004 Matthew Allen